The New Pioneer Blog - Kenya

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News & events

Nova Pioneer Ranked Among Top 10 World’s Best Schools in Innovation Category

Nova Pioneer has been recognized as one of the top 10 schools globally in the field of education innovation, securing its place among the world’s educational elite. This prestigious acknowledgment underscores Nova Pioneer’s commitment to fostering innovation, creativity, and excellence in education. The recognition of Nova Pioneer’s outstanding contributions to


Our Post-School Success Programme

Guiding Our Students Towards Finding Their Nova Transitioning from High School can be a thrilling yet challenging journey. As students step out of their familiar routines, they encounter a world filled with endless opportunities and new responsibilities. As a parent, you may wonder, ‘How can my child be best prepared


Leading the Way in National Curriculum Excellence

At Nova Pioneer, we’re bursting with pride! Our young innovators and leaders have truly outdone themselves in the 2023 KPSEA (Kenya Primary School Education Assessment) exams. With an impressive 96.8% of our 93 assessed students meeting and exceeding expectations, we couldn’t be happier for their remarkable achievements. We are proud

News & events

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News & events

Nova Pioneer Ranked Among Top 10 World’s Best Schools in Innovation Category

Nova Pioneer has been recognized as one of the top 10 schools globally in the field of education innovation, securing its place among the world’s educational elite. This prestigious acknowledgment underscores Nova Pioneer’s commitment to fostering innovation, creativity, and excellence in education. The recognition of Nova Pioneer’s outstanding contributions to

News & events

Innovation & Leadership at Nova Pioneer

What makes a student project authentic and meaningful? How can we better prepare our students for real-world tasks through project-based learning? This year in our Innovation and Leadership programme, we’ve focused heavily on levelling up our projects, so that students engage in projects with a public audience and an authentic

News & events

Chango – Be the change

We are thrilled to introduce a new exciting challenge dubbed CHANGO – Be The Change. The name Chango is derived from the Swahili word Kuchangia meaning to contribute. As the name suggests, this challenge will bring together students from across the country, particularly our feeder schools, to contribute ideas towards


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My Internship Experience at Nova Pioneer

I had the privilege of interning with Nova Pioneer’s Finance team, and the experience exceeded my expectations in several aspects. I interned from May 15th to August 18th 2023, contributing to the Finance department’s daily operations and gaining invaluable insights into financial management in the education sector. My motivation to


Novaneer Alumni feature stories

Life is an unpredictable journey, often leading us on unexpected paths that shape our futures in profound ways. In this series of alumni spotlight, let us turn our attention to Shakira Mwakitawa, a remarkable alumnus of our Tatu City Girls School, class of 2020. She is currently a Civil Engineering


My Experience at Yale University

If I were to choose two words to describe this experience for me, they would be, Life Changing and Memorable. In June, I had the opportunity to travel to the United States of America to attend a two-week summer program offered by Yale University. When I decided to apply back

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