Grade 00 Teacher, Emma, shares with us why it is important for pre-primary students to nap
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The Importance of Napping

Grade 00 Teacher, Emma, shares with us why it is important for pre-primary students to nap

If you’re like me – the worst part about growing up was being forced to nap! Can you imagine cutting play time short – for a nap? But now, I see I shouldn’t have taken it for granted! Have you ever wondered why a nap is so important to your health and wellness? Let me assure you – you’re not alone! Many adults are unfamiliar with the importance of taking a nap, not just for themselves but for pre-schoolers as well! As a Grade 00 teacher, let me explain why our Nova Pioneer preschools nap, and why we would love for you to implement daily naps at home as well. Sleeping is a big part of living a healthy life, and it helps young children boost their mental, emotional and physical development. Unfortunately many children do not get their required amount of sleep during the night (11-12 hours) which is why most children need to sleep during the day as well.

“Ultimately my goal as a preschool teacher is to set my preschoolers up for success, and nap time is a good place to start.” – Teacher Emma Grade 00 Teacher at Nova Pioneer Midrand 



Napping helps growth

When little ones go through periods of rapid growth, they need more than just extra food. They need extra sleep too. A lot of their growth is happening while they’re in dreamland, so depriving them of that time impacts them physically as much as mentally. A missed nap or two may not seem like a big deal to friends and caregivers who see the child for an hour and then leave. But talk to the parents later that evening or the next day—when they’re dealing with extra fussiness, whining, and tantrum-throwing—and it’s a different story.

As explained by sleep scientist Dr. Monique LeBourgeouis, “Sleepy children are not able to cope with day-to-day challenges in their worlds.” Of course, this isn’t to say that parents who bypass naps every now and then are somehow robbing their little ones of the ability to learn, grow, emotionally engage, and sleep soundly at night. It just means that, when possible, napping should be prioritized—for the sake of parent and child alike.


Three reasons why we encourage naps at Nova Pioneer:

  1. Naps can provide much-needed downtime for your child that aids both the physical and mental development that happens during early childhood. –
  2. Nap time gives your child a break from the stimuli of learning and fun and keeps them from becoming overexerted. When a child is extremely tired, their mood changes and simply makes it harder for them to sleep at night.
  3. Naps can help a child recharge from all the activity they have experienced during the day. The nap allows the brain to sort all the information they have learned and gives the cells an opportunity to develop faster! This helps the brain learn faster! So in summary, preschoolers nap because it is an opportunity for both their minds and their bodies to rest, recharge, reset and have a successful rest of the day.

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