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Students Shine at Northern Suburbs District Eskom Science Expo

Nova Pioneer Midrand students showcased their exceptional talent and passion for science at the Northern Suburbs District Eskom Science Expo held at Curro Rivonia on Friday, 13 May. This event provided a platform for young innovators to present their groundbreaking projects across various scientific categories. With the guidance of their dedicated science teachers and the support of their parents, the students from Nova Pioneer Midrand demonstrated their creativity, scientific acumen, and commitment to finding innovative solutions to real-world problems.


A Showcase of Brilliance


Under the supervision of Associate Dean of Instruction Mrs. Ummi Shaik and science teachers Ms. Gugu Jiyane, Ms. Mbalentle Lutya, and Mrs. Judy Doorasamy, the Nova Pioneer Midrand students participated in the Eskom Science Expo with remarkable projects. Their outstanding presentations captivated the assessors and judging panel, who provided valuable mentorship, insights, and feedback to the students. Among the talented participants, Ryan Chinhaba, Sai Charan Gurala, and Azariya Rampersadh’s contributions stood out, securing them a spot in the upcoming regional expo.


Expanding Horizons


The students’ exceptional achievements have earned them the opportunity to present their prototypes at the regional expo, where they will compete against other talented individuals from different schools. This experience will not only broaden their horizons but also challenge them to push the boundaries of scientific exploration. It is an exciting opportunity for these young minds to showcase their skills and innovation on a larger stage.


Celebrating Dedication


Recognizing the dedication and hard work exhibited by all the participants, the organizers awarded each Nova Pioneer Midrand student with participation certificates. This acknowledgement celebrates their commitment to scientific inquiry and serves as a testament to the school’s dedication to nurturing and inspiring young minds in the field of science.


Pride and Gratitude


Nova Pioneer Midrand takes immense pride in the accomplishments of their students. Associate Dean of Instruction, Ummi Shaik, expressed her appreciation for the unwavering support of the passionate science teachers who have nurtured and guided these aspiring scientists throughout their journey. It is through the combined efforts of teachers, parents, and students that Nova Pioneer Midrand continues to foster a culture of excellence in scientific exploration.

The participation of Nova Pioneer Midrand students at the Northern Suburbs District Eskom Science Expo highlights their remarkable talent and passion for science. These young innovators have demonstrated their scientific acumen, creativity, and commitment to finding solutions to real-world problems. As they move on to the regional expo, their journey of scientific exploration continues, and Nova Pioneer Midrand stands behind them, proud and supportive. The school’s commitment to nurturing and inspiring young minds in the field of science shines through the accomplishments of these exceptional students.


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